Bananas are a familiar fruit to everyone. They are both cheap and have many health benefits. Because of their useful properties, in many cases, flight attendants will bring a banana with them on flights.
Reasons why flight attendants bring bananas on flights
The high-altitude working environment often causes flight attendants to experience a lack of oxygen and low pressure. In addition, due to irregular working hours, jet lag may occur, and the biological clocks of flight attendants will be disrupted, affecting their health. This can cause them to have problems such as headaches, dizziness, and insomnia. In addition, continuous flight schedules can make flight attendants tired.
Therefore, flight attendants are given health supplements to be able to continue their work. And bananas will be effective in this case.
Due to the irregular flight schedules, the meal schedules of flight attendants are also irregular. This causes many people to have problems related to the stomach and intestines.
Bananas are foods that help stimulate the production and development of gastric mucosal cells. This is a protective layer that prevents gastric acid from damaging the stomach. Damage to this mucosal layer will lead to symptoms of pain, stomach ulcers, etc.
Eating bananas will help flight attendants protect the stomach, fight against uncomfortable spasms. In addition, it also contains a lot of pectin fiber that has the effect of moistening the intestines, helping the intestines to function smoothly, preventing digestive problems.
In addition, when going up high, the pressure drop also affects blood pressure. Bananas are foods with high potassium content, helping the body balance sodium – potassium, control blood pressure, and prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Bananas are also foods that have the effect of enhancing vision, helping the eyes to be bright and healthy.
Bananas also provide energy, helping to keep you full for a long time.
Note, food is only good when used in appropriate, moderate amounts. Although bananas bring many health benefits, you should only eat 1-2 fruits/day. Eating too many bananas in a day can cause side effects such as headaches, nausea, slow pulse…
Some other items that flight attendants will bring to work
– Flight documents: These are required documents, including flight attendant cards, flight certificates, health certificates, passports.
– Smart phones, tablets with applications specifically for flight crews. This device will help crew members check flight information, update flight schedules, contact support units when necessary…
– Personal items such as clothes, makeup, personal hygiene items are indispensable items for flight attendants when going to work. In addition, some people will bring spare uniforms on long flights. Many people will prepare extra snacks, notebooks and pens to write down important information, flashlights, some first aid supplies…